Non-consenting Sexual Exploitation

Underaged-human Sexualised Photography or Traces

Any material depicting a real-life child etc., which includes some implication of sexualisation, is prohibited.

  • Depicting: Any method to depict reality (such as photography) or to extract aspects of such methods, such as outlines (such as tracing). This may include non-visual formats.
  • Child etc.: Any human deemed likely to be younger than 18 years, or any human incapable of consent to participate in pornography in either of the UK or US.
  • Implication of Sexualisation: Any aspect of the material deemed likely to be intended by any provider of the material to invoke lust.

⚠️ Terminal: Violators are subject to reprimand without warning.
⚠️ Info-Hazard: Violating material is subject to deletion at any time.
⚠️ External: May apply to activity outside of Cabal.

Non-human Sexualised Depictions

Any material depicting a real-life non-human animal, which includes some implication of sexualisation, is prohibited.

  • Depicting: Any method to depict reality (such as photography) or to extract aspects of such methods, such as outlines (such as tracing). This may include non-visual formats.
  • Implication of Sexualisation: Any aspect of the material deemed likely to be intended by any provider of the material to invoke lust.

⚠️ Info-Hazard: Violating material is subject to deletion at any time.