
Seniority Roles

Assigned based mostly on trust, these Roles are the main hierarchy of the community.

Click each role's name for more details.

Level 1Passes basic security check
Level 2Direct net-positive to the community
Level 3Respected and representative of the community
WatchmanTrusted information network, with mod powers for emergencies
ModeratorOfficers of the community, can arbitrate rule violations
AdminCommunity owner

Advice for Gaining Roles

The following things help in gaining roles:

  • Having a consistent, recognisable, comprehensible, and distinct identity (name and image)
  • Being active (interacting with the community), especially in voice channels
  • Being involved in community events, especially running them
  • Being charismatic, knowledgable, useful, or otherwise socially apt
  • Promoting the community/uzalu and/or bringing in new members
  • Demonstrating deep knowledge of community/uzalu's lore
  • Being tested by circumstance and performing well

In all these cases, your actions must be visible to senior members, who can recommend you for promotion.

Promotion to Level 3 almost always requires frequent voice interaction.

Work in progress